Daniel Bryant, MSEd, LPC, CCTP
Daniel Bryant, MSEd, LPC, CCTP is CHC’s Clinical Director of Substance Use Disorder Services and an Associate Faculty member at the Weitzman Institute. Mr. Bryant also serves as CHC’s Behavioral Health Quality Improvement Chair and is a member of the agency’s Performance Improvement Committee. Mr. Bryant focuses on treating trauma and substance use disorders and has leverage his clinical areas of expertise into research in Adverse Childhood Experiences and their intersection with substance use disorders, depression and suicidality, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Bryant is co-author of a chapter on ACEs and the COVID-19 Pandemic is the upcoming edited volume Handbook of Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Framework for Collaborative Health Promotion. Mr. Bryant has an extensive portfolio of training and education at local and national conferences as well as continuing education for internal and external partners. He has provided education on the opioid crisis, harm reduction, motivational interviewing, addiction treatment, Adverse Childhood Experiences, chronic pain, trauma and PTSD, and developed the Weitzman Institute’s four part Addiction 101 curriculum. He currently serves as a faculty member on the Weitzman ECHO Medication Assisted Treatment and Complex Care Nursing ECHO and has been faculty on the joint National Council for Mental Well Being and Weitzman Institute Alcohol & Smoking ECHO.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/25/2022Date updated:12/05/2024