Mark Hurst, MD
Dr. Mark Hurst, MD, has a rich history in the healthcare field. During his career, Hurst has held leadership positions in the private sector, public sector and state government, including as medical director and director of the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and medical director and assistant director of the Ohio Department of Health. In his state positions, he led efforts in suicide prevention, dual diagnosis treatment, trauma informed care, and addressing the opioid crisis. Dr. Hurst is board-certified in psychiatry and addiction psychiatry is a private healthcare consultant and is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University. He has been recognized by his peers as a "Best Doctor in America" on multiple occasions.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:02/01/2023Date updated:01/30/2024