Postwork - Module 8: Harvest and Next Steps

Postwork Instructions

Postwork is due one week before the next live Learning Collaborative session. Postwork is intended to help your team develop and build on the skills you are learning during the live Learning Collaborative sessions. The QI coaches are available during their QI Coaching Office Hours to help with any questions regarding the postwork. 

Module 8: Harvest and Next Steps

  1. There is no postwork due for Module 8. 
  2. If your team is interested in scheduling an individual coaching session with the QI Coaches, Please sign up using the provided sign-up sheet: Individual Health Center Feedback - Sign Up
    1. These sessions will take place instead of the final two coaching office hours on January 7th and January 14th. During the individual team sessions, the QI coaches will provide high-level feedback on your team's final project (Module 7 postwork submission) and recommendations for next steps. 
    2. The individual office hours are optional. 

Technical Support

If you need any technical support, please submit a ticket to our support center. A member from our team will respond as soon as possible. 

Activity summary
Activity opens: 
Activity expires: 
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