Prework - Module 8: Harvest and Next Steps (Due: December 18, 2024)

Prework Instructions

Prework should be completed before each live learning collaborative session. The prework is specifically designed to help your team understand the material and to know what to expect for the live Learning Collaborative session. The prework attachment(s) are available at the bottom of this page.

Module 8: Harvest and Next Steps

Prework due date: December 18, 2024

  1. Prepare your presentation from your completed Module 7 Postwork (PDSA template). We will be providing a Powerpoint slide based on your Module 7 Postwork submission. 
  2. Ensure that your plan is clear and comprehensive as each health center team will present specific highlights from their plan in a 3-minute presentation during the Learning Collaborative Live Session 8 on 12/18/2024. 
    1. Be sure to focus on the questions highlighted in red text with the note, "your response from this section will be used for LC8 presentation," as these will be the key points for your presentation. 

Technical Support

If you need any technical support, please submit a ticket to our support center. A member from our team will respond as soon as possible. 

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