Prework - Module 3: Screening and Assessment (Due: July 17, 2024)

Prework Instructions

Prework should be completed before each live learning collaborative session. The prework is specifically designed to help your team understand the material and to know what to expect for the live Learning Collaborative session. The prework attachment(s) are available at the bottom of this page.

Module 3: Screening and Assessment

Prework due date: July 17, 2024

Prework to be completed individually: 

  1. Read Process mapping in healthcare: a systemic review
  2. Read QI Essentials Toolkit: Flowchart
  3. After completing both readings, identify a process you would like to map (e.g. patient intake, treatment planning, follow-up care) and discuss this at your next team meeting. 

Once you have completed the prework, select the Continue tab.

Technical Support

If you need any technical support, please submit a ticket to our support center. A member from our team will respond as soon as possible. 

Activity summary
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