Program Specialist Training

Program Information

The Weitzman Education Platform is a robust CE/CME platform that allows participants to access live and enduring activities, complete session evaluations, claim credits, and download certificates. This training serves to get you acquainted with the platform so that you feel confident creating, hosting, and analyzing data from a Weitzman or CHCI activity. 

Target Audience

This training is appropriate for CHCI and Weitzman Institute Program Specialists. Research and Evaluation Associates have their own tailored training, but they are welcome to access these materials. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize the Weitzman Education Platform to host education activities and analyze participant data
Activity summary
Activity opens: 
Activity expires: 
Please login or register to take this activity.

 If you have any issues or notice any errors throughout your training experience, then submit a ticket