Weitzman Education Platform Office Hours Activity

Program Information

This office hours activity is designed for Weitzman and Community Health Center, Inc. program staff, including program managers and program specialists, to troubleshoot any issues regarding the creation of activities, ask questions live with a WeP Program team member present and to address any other concerns or inquiries as they relate to the Weitzman Education Platform.

If you would like to submit a question ahead of time or need to reach the WeP Team regarding the platform at any time outside of office hours, please submit a ticket.

This activity meets once a week of every month. Each weekly office hours will vary in time from week to week so be sure to check back here frequently as the time may not stand the same.

Target Audience

This activity is appropriate for the following audiences:

  • Program Specialists
  • Program Managers
  • Entire Program Teams
  • Any other staff member who is responsible for managing educational content within the WeP

Learning Objectives

Upon attendance of these office hours, participants should be able to do the following:

  • Have their questions and inquiries regarding the WeP answered live with an expert attendant from the WeP Team
  • Complete the building of your activities live with the guidance of a WeP Team member
Activity summary
Activity opens: 
Activity expires: 


These Weitzman Education Platform office hours will be held weekly with the below staff hosting office hours on a rotating basis: 

  • First Weeks Office Hours Expert WeP Attendant: Lorena Morgan, Program Specialist for Education
  • Second Weeks Office Hours Expert WeP Attendant: Lucy Wolski, Instructional Design Specialist
  • Third Weeks Office Hours Expert WeP Attendant: Colleen Phillips, Instructional Design Specialist
  • Fourth Weeks Office Hours Expert WeP Attendants: Ariel Porto, Assistant Director of Education Operations
Please login or register to take this activity.
Please login or register to take this activity.
Please login or register to take this activity.
Please login or register to take this activity.
Please login or register to take this activity.
Please login or register to take this activity.