Arthur Douville, MD
Arthur W. Douville, Jr. M.D. is Chief Medical Officer at Medigram and an Attending Neurologist. Dr. Art Douville has held numerous leadership and administrative positions in healthcare, including hospital Chief of staff and Chief Medical Officer in two separate health systems, including as Regional Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Verity Health System in Northern California. In these roles, he oversaw infection control and biohazard assessment in hospital environments, as well as physician relations, including clinical integration, patient safety & quality, regulatory compliance, and the development of innovative clinical programs, and physician technology deployment and adoption plans. He was part of the leadership team charged with bundled payment and Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) initiatives. As Associate Medical Director of the Crimson Analytic program for the Advisory Board (Washington, DC) his role was helping physicians understand and leverage the data by which they are being measured. Dr. Douville has over two decades of experience in executive physician leadership and has published work in managing change in physician culture, communication, and the adoption of medical technologies including as a contributor to Mobile Medicine: Overcoming People, Culture, and Governance (Taylor & Francis 2021). He is in the active practice of Neurology in Los Gatos, California, and acts as a Stroke Medical Director in the Santa Clara County Health System based in San Jose, California.
Financial relationships
Attribution:Spouse or PartnerType of financial relationship:StockIneligible company:MedigramTopic:MoilityDate added:12/01/2023Date updated:12/01/2023