Chelsea McIntosh, PsyD, ABPP
Chelsea McIntosh, PsyD, ABPP, is the Postdoctoral training director and the program director for the Graduate Psychology Education grant (GPE) for Community Health Center, Inc. Dr. McIntosh obtained her undergraduate degree at Drew University and her doctorate in clinical psychology from Baylor University. Dr. McIntosh trained as a generalist, working across a diversity of settings such as probation, adolescent residential, university and other educational settings, as well as the outpatient setting. Her clinical interests focus on interpersonal, systems based work, and the implementation of general practice, taking evidence based treatment and adopting it to various populations and settings. An additional interest is the development of clinical identity and how it impacts ethical decision making and the therapeutic relationship.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:02/06/2023Date updated:02/28/2024