Jennifer Penberthy, PhD ABPP
Jennifer “Kim” Penberthy, Ph.D., ABPP is the Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Kim is a board certified clinical psychologist and conducts research, teaches, and provides clinical care at UVA in psychiatry and the cancer center. She obtained her undergraduate and masters degree in psychology from Wake Forest University, her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, and her Fellowship in Medical Psychology at the University of Virginia. Her clinical and research interests focus on persistent depressive disorders and she has written and published on both assessment and treatment of PDD, including a book called Persistent Depressive Disorders published by Hogrefe in 2019. She also studies the mind-body relationship, exploring human consciousness as well as extraordinary human experiences, including the impact of such on human abilities and wellness. She is a founding member of the UVA Contemplative Sciences Center and a member of the UVA Academy of Distinguished Educators, the Wisdom & Wellbeing Program, the Leadership in Academic Matters Program, and is a Fellow of Humanism in Medicine at the University of Virginia. She is involved on an international level conducting research and consulting with the Center for Consciousness Research and the Scientific & Medical Network. Kim is also dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion and exploring and honoring psychotherapeutic and contemplative practices from indigenous and native cultures. She is President of the Society of Clinical Psychology, the former chair of the American Psychological Association Society of Clinical Psychology Diversity Committee and is a fellow in the APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology. She has published extensively on psychotherapy and mindfulness, including 4 books, and scores of manuscripts and book chapters, and lectures internationally regarding her research. Her most recent book is co-authored with her daughter, Morgan, and is called “Living Mindfully Across the Lifespan: An Intergenerational Guide,” published by Routledge Taylor & Francis in 2020.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:03/01/2024Date updated:03/01/2024